minute workers


Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Koffal's House

By RandomChic
To start off I should probably tell you a little about my house.
My house is about 118-120 years old and was built by the original owners. When we first moved into the house in 2003, someone told my mum that the house was haunted by a teenager that hung herself on the front veranda of the house. At the time I was only 7 so hearing that really freaked me out.
Then about 2 years ago I found an old rusted milk can that had some initials on the front that said "H.E.Koffal". So I told my parents about it and they said to try searching the name on the internet, so I did. After searching for a few minutes, I found out that there was a book at my local library about my house and the first owners. So the next day after school, my mum took me to the library and we borrowed it out. I then found out that there is another ghost in our house. She was from the original family. She died in 1899 giving birth to twins in the room that is now my parent\'s room.
Now, I should probably tell you about some of the experiences I've had.

The first one that I can remember is when I was about 10. I had woken up at what I think was around 2:00am. When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw a full human figure floating above me. I froze completely. I was trying to close my eyes but I couldn't, it was like they were being held open. Then the figure started moving towards me and as it was moving closer I was slowly lying down, and then fell asleep. I think that ghost was the mother who died having the twins.
One experience I had wasn't actually one I saw with my eyes, it was in my dream. The dream started off with me in this old house that had completely collapsed. Then this door appeared. I recognized the door as the one that leads from our bathroom onto the veranda. I walked towards it and walked through it.
Once I walked through I was on the veranda. But the thing that got me was that it was completely clean and it one piece (it\'s all broken and falling apart now). I walked along and turned the corner, and got really scared. There were a whole bunch of people in old fashioned clothing. I slowly moved towards two women who were standing near the gate that lead to the stairs. Anyway, I walked over and introduced myself. We then had a conversation which I can't really remember. But I do remember asking where Marie was. (Marie is the name of the mother who died). One of the women said that she was inside, so I asked if I could see her and they told me not now. Then they said that they would show me around the property, so I went with them. Then I remember coming back to the house then one of the women said that when I come back they will show me more and tell me more.
What do you think that means? I have been curious about it for the past few years.
There is another one, but it\'s my mum's. One night it was just me and my older brother up because everyone else was in bed. I was watching TV and my brother was on the computer. It was all normal until my mum came running down the hall. My brother looked at me and said "Was that just mum?" and shrugged my shoulders and replied "i don't know, I'll go and check". So I got of the lounge and walked to the back door where I saw my mum leaning up against a pole. I walked up to her and asked if she was ok. She said that she felt like she was dying. I looked at her and she had her hands on her chest. Then I looked at her neck. There how hand marks on her throat, like someone had tried to strangle her. And they weren't my mums hand prints because the size was different. This has happened a few times to my mum and she has also had the feeling like someone else was in her body. I think the one who has been attacking my mum was the girl who hung herself.
Why do you think she is doing this?
I have also heard footsteps down the hallway and watched things being moved from the coffee table. We have also woken up to see that the dining table had been moved.


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