minute workers


Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Seance

By GW 
In 1968, my wife and I bought a new singlewide mobile home near Wake Forest N.C.

One night we had four friends over and after talking about strange events, ghosts etc., we decided to get out our Quija Board. One of the lady friends had lost a cousin very tragically. We decided to try to contact her spirit by using the Quija board. After playing around with the Quija board for a while, we asked if we were communicating with the young woman we were attempting to talk to. The Quija Board confirmed we were talking with her. We didn't put much faith in it but it was fun and a little scary. Much like telling ghost stories around a campfire when we were younger.

A while later we decided to have a séance. None of us knew anything much about doing such a thing but decided to try it anyway. We turned off all the lights in the dining room, leaving only a dim light burning in the kitchen, giving off just enough light to see each other seated around the dining room table. We all held hands and began trying to concentrate on this young woman whom we had endeavored to contact. I began to ask some pretty basic questions and then as we got very still and quiet, we continued to concentrate on the unfortunate young woman.

Suddenly, everyone simultaneously felt a very strange sensation come into our presence. Everybody jumped up at once and began looking at each other with sort of a bewildered and frightened look. I was really quite upset that everyone jumped up and "broke the silence." I asked everyone to let's do it again and this time just "go with it and see what happens." After sitting down again and concentrating about 5 minutes, I had the strangest feeling I had ever felt in my life. It felt like my entire soul was being drained out of my body and some other entity, spirit or something was trying to take its place inside me.

I don't know exactly what happened next, nor do I know what I did or said, but I awoke about ten minutes later, sitting in a chair in my living room. I was crying like a baby. My heart just felt broken and there was a very real feeling of despair within me. As I began to try and rationalize and understand exactly what had happened, I looked at my wife and friends and they were in total shock. They were actually afraid of me. They told me that I was talking in another voice that wasn't mine. They never told me exactly what I said, but did say that mostly I just screamed and cried, and that even my personality had changed. I had taken on a different demeanor completely. We never had another séance, and we also threw out the Quija board.

A few nights after this occurred (by the way it was a long time before my friends would come back into my house) my wife and I started hearing strange noises in our home. We would awaken at night with all the faucets running at full throttle in our bathroom and kitchen. We would hear footsteps in the hallway. We awoke to find all the doors (3 of them) standing wide open on several occasions. We would find all the cupboard doors open all the way and many other strange occurrences. The final straw was when I woke up one morning and all the gas-stove burners were turned wide open on the gas range. All this began occurring shortly after the séance we had performed. Although nothing seemed to want to hurt us, we finally couldn't take it anymore and sold the mobile home.

This was a real event. It happened to my wife, my friends and me. My wife was afraid of me for quite some time after the night of the séance. She was even afraid to sleep with me. She repeatedly told me and continues to do so, when we talk about it, that after that night I had taken on a completely different countenance. It was quite some time before she sensed that I was back to normal.

Of all the things I've done in my life, this was the most shocking, scariest and probably the most stupid. Please don't delve into these things if you don't know what you are doing. It is real, it is dangerous and I believe it can lead to demonic or other possession in one's body.

Excuse my grammar and spelling. As there is no spell check for this article, I am quite certain that there are many mistakes. However, the experience was real and although I am still curious, it continues to scare me when I think about it.


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