minute workers


Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Tall Man Ghost In Black

I’m 41 and I live in Sacramento, California. I know it sounds cliche, but I have experienced supernatural things most all my life but this is one of the most interesting experiences in my life thus far.
Around 1997 my partner and I rented a duplex. When we first saw the house both spaces were vacant and we got to choose which side we wanted so we picked the one that was available at that time. As we walked through the place I got a feeling the place was haunted, I thought I saw a slight glow on the kitchen ceiling but shrugged it off as light from the window. After I even told my partner what I thought but didn’t think anything of it. As a slight back-story the previous tenants moved out quickly skipping out on their debts.
Now I never got a feeling of evil or anything like that so I never felt threatened. My partner one morning woke up and looked over to the doorway and thought he saw a man standing staring at us but just laid back down and went to sleep. He told me about this the next day and thought it could have been the way the light was coming through the window blinds.
About a year later we moved our bed to another room, as there was a sump pump under the floor in that room. I woke, as I am apt to do in the middle of the night and saw a very tall man walking out of our room. He suddenly he turned his head and our eyes met for a quick second before I snatched my eyes closed pretending to be asleep. I don’t know if he walked back in the room but I refused to open my eyes for fear he was staring me in the face but I soon fell asleep again.
In the morning I told my partner what I saw. I said he was as tall as the doorway, dressed in a black cloak or coat that appeared to be full length and with a very white bald head. If I were to compare him to something you could visualize it would be something like Pinhead from Hellrasier, with out the pins of course. I could not tell you what his eyes looked like because I didn’t have my glasses on but I could tell our eyes met. My partner said that was the same thing he saw and at first accused me of copying it from him but I reminded him that he never said what he looked like.
After this we would see a shadow like mist going from room to room and one time my partner thought he saw feet walk past him in the hall and once someone sitting on the couch. We both thought this was all interesting and I became more intrigued.
One morning I was making breakfast and set the butter knife on top of the jar on the counter top. As I was sitting enjoying my toast the knife fell of the jar but it did just fall next to the jar but bounced down the counter about 4 feet away.

Another morning I was making breakfast quesadillas and burned on of the tortillas and threw it up on the back of the counter thinking I would throw it away when I got home from work.  We had dinner that night with a friend of ours and after she came in to watch a movie with us. She went in the kitchen and I heard her say “what is this” and when I came to see what she was talking about I saw the tortilla was on the floor and in front of the fridge which was on the other side of the kitchen from where it was originally.
I asked my partner if he did that and said he didn’t touch it. I looked at it because my first thought was a rodent but it was untouched, no chew marks. As another aside, we had a cat that lived under the house and a couple of times he faced the house and sat up on his hind legs and begged like a dog. Why he did this I don’t know but he also did it at my parent’s house when we gave him to them. He never did this in the direction of anyone just the house or a wall it was weird but then again he was a cat.
Now I don’t know if the tenant in the space next to ours experienced anything, but the walls were thin and I heard him talking to a friend on the phone saying that one day he was doing pushups and suddenly it felt like someone was standing on his back and he couldn’t get up. Like I said before nothing bad happened there and the only reason we moved is because we bought a house in 2000, which I have some strange things that have happed here as well.


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