minute workers


Thursday, March 3, 2011

The House Far Away

I’ve always been very “connected” to my mother, if you know what I mean… When we had this experience, my mom had asked me to stay at her house while she went to another city to take care of one of my brothers who was having an operation, his wife had to work, so my mom needed to go and take care of him while he recuperated. I moved in to the house with my two kids.
After about three months, My mother called and said she was flying back in a midnight flight and I said I’d go pick her up. We got home after 1 am and since I had to go to work the next day, we didn’t stay up to talk and catch up on all the family, as we usually did. I’m the only one that lives in this particular city, besides my mom and dad, at the time.
The next morning when I got up, I told my mom I’d had the strangest dream… she asked me to tell her about it while we had our morning coffee and I got ready for work.
I dreamt that it was last night, when we’d gotten back from the airport and that we sat and talked as always and after she brought me up to date on all the family, she took my hand over the kitchen table and said that she had something to tell me and knew that it was gonna make me very sad, but that she’d only come to tell me she was leaving… that my dad had bought a house and they wanted me to stay in this house because it was the family home and they couldn’t rent it or sell it and I said ok.
In my dream, after she left, I started seeing this little girl, about 5 years old with long light brown hair and a white old fashioned dress, with a ruffle at the bottom. I was very mad at my mom in the dream because she had not told me that someone else lived in the house. I saw the girl everywhere! but what really upset me was that she ignored me, I would speak to her, ask her who she was and she always acted like she couldn’t hear me! the dream went on. I was in a room where all the walls were painted a very vivid and bright blue, watching TV with my children and out of the corner of my eye, I could see, on a small wooden shelf on the right hand corner of the room, close to the ceiling, that the little girl was sitting there, just placidly swinging her legs! The ledge or shelf had 3 pull out wooden steps, – like the type that you pull down from the ceiling in old houses that have a “door” to the attic – and there was a “door” there or more like, a piece of plywood covering an opening. Of course the little girl ignored me when I told her she better come down from there or she would fall and hurt herself.

Then in the same dream, I’m standing by the front door and I watch the same girl walk past me on the sidewalk and I call out to her, with the same results as before; just then, a nice old man that every morning swept the sidewalk outside the neighborhood corner store, asks me why I was so upset? And I told him the whole thing, how I was mad because my parents had asked me to move in to their house because there was no one else to stay there and they’d lied to me! Because that little girl lived in the house too and she ignored me! He said: “how do you want her to hear you when she’s dead? She’s forever looking for her parents but she’s never gonna find them, because they’re dead too!”
The whole time I was telling my mother about the dream, she just sat there asking every once in a while: “what else?” very calm and collected. I told her that in the dream, I knew I was in this same house where we were sitting now, but that it was different, she asked me to describe the house in my dream and I did. I told her about the windows, how they were old fashioned, with small panes of glass, the thick kind,  and about the blue room with the boarded up entrance to the attic and the 3 small wooden steps. She started drawing what I described on a paper napkin. And then she asked: “Is that all?” and I said, “yes, that was a long dream!” and then my mom stood up, hugged me and said: “Well, I just came to tell you that I’m leaving because your father bought a house over there, it’s still in escrow, we haven’t moved in yet, but the house in your dream is that house”.
She went on to tell me that they knew I was going to feel so sad and so they hadn’t said anything over the phone and that my dad was going to call me, to ask me to rent out my apartment and move in to this house because they couldn’t sell it, it had been in the family for years, my grandfather had built it. She explained that she had been so worried about how to tell me, but we were so connected, maybe she had transmitted to me the whole thing when she saw me and so…. I dreamt it!
This happened 16 years ago and a year later I visited the house. There was no blue room anymore, but everybody watched my reactions and I was so scared, I knew I was going to see the little girl! they showed me the room where I would sleep and I asked: “This was the blue room wasn’t it?” They couldn’t deny it and so I slept on the living room floor, I didn’t want to sleep in the blue room! The next morning I heard my sister in law and my mother whispering urgently in the kitchen, my sister in law kept saying: “You have to tell her, imagine how she’ll feel if she sees her?” So I asked my mom: “it’s the little girl, isn’t it?” And they told me that since they’d moved in to the house a year ago, my 4 year old niece – who had mid-length light brown hair – was a sleepwalker!
They found her sometimes under the dinning room table, sometimes under the coffee table in the living room and that she walked in to all the bedrooms and just stood there looking at different family members sleep… that she’d already scared my dad because he opened his eyes and there she was, just standing there in the darkness, staring at him, but that she was always asleep, they had to make sure all the outside doors were locked every night because they were afraid she’d just walk out one day. To this day, my 20 year old niece still talks in her sleep, sits up and you can have full conversations with her!
This is a totally true story, sorry if it was so long and it’s not the only strange experiences we’ve had in my family.


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