minute workers


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The White Wisps

By AndreaRCFollowing the past holiday season that came just after my son was born, I\'ve been filing through a lot of photographs and cell phone pictures trying to put together a scrapbook and baby book. Going through them, I\'ve noticed something interesting about quite a few that are just of Maddox-they have white wisps somewhere in the picture. They\'re all the same size, and they don't change consistency-they're all the faintest white wisps that look sort of like paint brush strokes, identical in each photo. And not to sound cheesy but this is the only way I can describe it: they have a sort of faint glow to them? Not like a noticeable bright but they look like they're dimly lit up; it's hard to describe. Of course I thought it was a camera malfunction or a reflection of the flash but they're everywhere-in pictures so dark you can barely see the what the pictures of, in light pictures, in both blurry and sharp pictures, on my cell phone, even on my mom's camera. There\'s dozens of them, and I've noticed more in pictures of him that I've taken on my phone even just in the past few days. I tried to get a picture onto my laptop to upload and put on here but it's not an easy task from my phone. From what I've gathered, it's not usually a good thing when pictures are like this, so I'm kind of concerned.


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